Since the Amulet series is about to end in February 2024 with Waverider, I decided to give my prediction on how the series ends , Now I understand that supernova has a time skip when the Hayes are still in Alledia just to protect its people to deal with the crisis especially when Emily is a now a teenager (since she started off as a ten year old in the beginning of the series) and skilled stonekeeper, I feel like the family would return to their world when they saved Alledia and the universe from the evil big bad.
Anyway, here are my scenarios on how the series ends along with two endings
I predict that Emily after being freed from the Voice's influence thanks to the help of her family and friends, She let go of her depression over her dad's death and use the rest of her Amulet stonekeeper powers on the Voice including the big bad that is the elf king and defeated them for good thus not only saving Alledia ,our world and the universe but also giving peace to the former as the citizens of Alledia begins to make peace with each other ending the long war and give victory to the resistance. Especially that Trellis who now takes his father’s place as leader will try to rebuild Alledia into what it once was before the long war, a peaceful one.
My two scenarios on how the series ends
Chose to stay :
The first scenario has Emily and her family stay in Alledia even though she lost her Amulet stonekeeper powers, We see Emily's family settle in their new lives in the now peaceful Alledia while she and her brother Navin hang out with their friends while trying out new things even though she no longer has Amulet powers , the last pages time skip to the future where we see the new heroes protecting Alledia and our world as they are likely Children of Emily and her friends including Moze .Which might explain how Moze gain a new amulet similar to her mother's and became a new stonekeeper thus leading to the future from supernova
Return to Earth
The second and last scenario which I hope wil happen would have Emily and her family decided to return to our world now that Alledia is peaceful and the Amulet ran out of power since Emily used all of it to defeat the big bad and the voice leaving only some tiny amount of power left, not to mention that its revealed that it's been one earth year since they teleported to Alledia . She and her brother will say goodbye to her friends from Alledia as one of them give Emily a blue amulet which she can use it to tie up a loose end by giving to her offspring if she is needed again
The Hayes family then use the house with the remaining amulet powers to return them back to our world while at the same time waving goodbye to their friends from Alledia as they promise to them that they will meet again.
We then skip two months later after returning to Earth Emily and her family return to our world as they settle in their new lives in Norlen where the Charnon House is now refurbished as a normal house with the help of their robot friend Miskit and Cogsley who are staying with them as their robot companions who will help the families chores and preapre school lunches, it is revealed to be Emily and Navin's first day of school where Karen calls her children to get in their car, so she can take them to their new school.
As the kids are about to get in their car ,Emily who got out of the house stops for a moment and takes a look at it while still holding the now powerless Amulet around her neck as she is reminiscent of her and her families adventures back in Alledia which changed her life because without it, she wouldn't let go of the tragedy that plagued her throughout her life and the series, then her mother calls her again to hurry up and then Emily who responded gets in her mothers car to go to school, The last page shows the house in its full glory while in the distance the family who are travelling in their car are headed off to school which symbolically represents that Emily and her family are heading towards the next chapter of their lives as the series receives a bookend where it began and ends with a Road trip.
The epilogue will wrap up a loose end from the supernova volume where it takes place many years later after the main series has ended where the older Emily who is sitting outside the Charnon House indicating she still lives there as the only occupant with her robot friends Miskit and Cogsley still with her as her companions, she is outside the house telling her son Moze about the story of her adventures in Alledia and gave him the blue amulet which was meant for him but then Miskit and Cogsley receive an urgent call from Alledia that she and her son are needed, likely to do with tying up a loose end that is helping her past self reunite with her friends.
And the final page shows mother and son that is Emily and Moze using Moze's blue Amulet to teleport the Charnon house to Alledia where they will try to console the formers past self while likely going for one more adventure and will pass her torch to her son by becoming the new stonekeeper
And that's my prediction on how Amulet by Kazu Kibushi will end, what do you think , do you have a prediction on how the series ends, write down in the comments down below.